Bream / Bass / Estuary Perch

Bream / Bass / Estuary Perch

Most modern Bream, Bass and EP anglers rely on a series of light hardbodies, smaller profile soft plastic and jigs to target ever pressured populations of local and impound fish. Applying ajing tackle and rods to cast these light top water lures (sugapens, bent minnows etc..) will allow you to get extra distance over using a traditional regular fast action 2-5kg 4-8lb rod and work them more effectively. 

The weight range of these lures (bents, jerkbaits, crankbaits) are around 3-7g, which is on the upper range of what ajing rods are designed to cast, allowing for 20m++ casts with relative ease. The lightweight and responsive blank allows for superb sensitivity to feel and control lure movement, enticing pressured fish. 

Of course, jerkbaits and crankbaits will benefit more from rods with a slower action, preferably a fast instead of extra-fast action. 

We also recommend our readers to try something out of the ordinary and give ajing plastics a go. Good quality fish can be enticed with ajing plastics, along the bottom and with a natural drifting or swimming action. The two types pictured below are what has worked well for us, the Tict Fesit Nude 2.7 inch and the Cultiva Microworm Ajinekuton 2.6 inch. 

As for line selection, avoid going below PE0.2 main line if possible, and stay between 4 and 6lb fluorocarbon leader, depending on structure. The bigger fish will work your drag, but do not panic, the dual tapered JDM rods are designed to have a backbone that will allow you to steer the fish away, if your drag is correctly tuned.